A Consultant team visited five protected areas that are covered by the Project this week in order to get more acquainted with the parks activities and their teams, and also to discuss the needs of the areas. In particular, the team met representatives of the Gorgany Nature Reserve, Carpathian National Nature Park, Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, Synevyr National Nature Park and Yavorivskyi National Nature Park.
«For effective implementation of the project, it is very important to work closely together with protected areas to understand their immediate and strategic needs and what is required to fulfill them. Therefore, we are visiting protected areas and assess the situation with experts», stated team leader Michael Brombacher.
The parks’ needs are quite similar. In particular, Deputy Director of Gorgany Nature Reserve, Myron Shpilchak, said that it’s only the second time in 20 years the reserve has the opportunity to solve pressing problems, which lack the budget, with the help of international project
«The reserve is a budgetary institution and usually the funds are not sufficient to pay salaries, maintain equipment, implement eco-educational events etc. That is why such projects are extremely important to the reserve. Sufficient material and proper technical equipment are crucial for its functioning, including transport, equipment for scientific activities, construction of working sites for inspectors in the field, and a number of other things», said Myron Shpilchak.
According to the plans, the first procurement tenders will be held this year.
Briefing note
The project «Support to Protected Areas in Ukraine» aims to improve the management of protected areas and conservation of their ecological values. The project is financed by the German bank KfW, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine responsible for the overall implementation of the project.
The project is implemented by a Consortium consisting of the Danube-Carpathian Programme WWF in Ukraine, Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds, the Frankfurt Zoological Society and the German consulting company AHT GROUP AG, who heads the team. The size of the grant is 14 mln. euros for 6 years. The project covers eight protected areas in Ukraine.